UPDATA Seminars
  • WEB

WingArc1st - UPDATA Seminars

The "WingArc Forum" is a large-scale conference held every year by WingArc1st,
a provider of business solution services utilizing data.

This year, it has been decided that an online seminar based on
the key concept of "UPDATA" (Update with Data) will be carried out.
In addition to the website and the opening movie, slide designs
and more were produced in a comprehensive manner.

With the concept of "using data to promote a future in which business activities are more positively
and humanly updated", primitive geometric shapes such as squares, circles,
and triangles are used as a metaphor for bits, the smallest unit of digital data.
By gathering and changing their shapes, it graphically represents a world
that creates new values and meanings.

Various creative media are supported at nide inc., rather than just websites.
By designing in a comprehensive manner, it was possible to create a consistent worldview
that allows the participants to experience the "event".

Ryosuke Ebisawa : Art Direction, Movie Direction, Design
Mizuho Sema : Design
Shinnosuke Kurita : Frontend Development
Ippei Kuriya : Director, Project Management

UPDATA Seminarsの各セミナーで統一して使用するオープニングムービー。

The opening movie will be used for all UPDATA seminars. The motion graphics dynamically express the concept of the seminar
and give a sense of expectation for the lectures that are about to begin.